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Found 2 results for the keyword(s) ‘filters’ with the keywords Furnace

  • Article

    Remove the outside air intake for the furnace when going all-electric?

    Gregory in Québec asked:   I recently replaced my oil furnace with a heat pump/electric furnace system. I live in the region of Montreal. The heat pump can heat/operate in temperatures as low as -30c. The oil furnace had an air intake duck supplying the furnace with outside (cold) air. I underst...
  • Article

    Advanced filtration systems -- portable and installed

    Many people would like to filter the air in their houses in an effort to improve indoor air quality. The most efficient of the furnace filter systems, when it is kept clean, is the electronic air cleaner. As you can see in the first photo, it is a large unit that is installed directly in the fur...