Heritage Montreal course resources
Here are some useful links for those who are taking the course in Residential Renovation given by Heritage Montreal. Some apply directly to the Mechanical section of the course that I give and some are simply useful sites about other aspects of your house.
Book by Karl Riley on correcting EMF problems caused by improper household wiring: http://www.amazon.com/Tracing-EMFs-Building-Wiring-Grounding/dp/146990201X
Rocky Mountain Institute -- Incredible innovations for a sustainable world -- one of my primary sources for inspiration: www.rmi.org
In-Floor radiant heating with cross linking PEX tubing: http://www.uponor.ca/Residential-Radiant-Floor-Heating/Homeowner.aspx
Flextherm "Green" in floor electric radiant heating cables that give off no electromagnetic radiation: http://www.Flextherm.com/
Motorized air duct dampers - both combustion air and fresh air models http://www.hoyme.com/
Lock-Top chimney caps - stop heat loss while chimney is not in use. The only one that does not ice up. http://www.aimsweep.com/
Delta-MS -- foundation drainage layer http://www.deltams.com/
Planton -- Foundation drainage layer http://www.systemplaton.com/foundations.html
Renostone -- historic styles face brick and stone http://www.renostone.com/
Footing Tube -- preformed tapered column forms http://www.foottube.com/
Fast Foot fabric forming for footings & columns http://www.fab-form.com/
Grip-Clip -- Nylon roofing clips - easier, faster, stronger. http://www.griphclip.com/
Saber Sump Pit -- the best of drainage science http://www.sabersumppit.com/
WindowWise -- window certification & training http://www.windowwise.com/
Canadian Society of Dowsers -- looking for water? http://www.canadiandowsers.org/
BCS - Restoring Rotten Wood with epoxies http://www.woodrestoration.net/
In-Line fans http://www.continentalfan.com/ecatalog.php?fantype=residential
Airex Fans http://www.airex.ca/hvac-products
Broan Fans http://www.broan.ca/
Nutone Fans http://www.nutone.ca/
Fantech Fans http://www.fantech.net/
Venmar Fans http://www.venmar.ca/Afficher.aspx?langue=en
Cedar Shakes & Shingles - association http://www.cedarbureau.org/
Iko Roofing - Canadian made shingles http://www.iko.com/
Canadian Asphalt Shingle Manufacturers' Association http://www.casma.ca/cas_about.shtml
Window Safety Films http://www.ener-gard.com/
Industrial Accidcent Prevention Association of Ontario http://www.iapa.ca/
Engineered Temporary Gardrail System for construction sites http://www.safetybracket.com/index.php
Whole house surge protection http://www.lightningtvss.com/
Epoxy drain liners - fix drain lines from the inside www.nuflowtech.com
Mitten Vinyl Siding http://www.mittenvinyl.com/home.php?Language=Eng
Stone Tile Siding http://www.stonetile.com/
Canada Brick http://www.hansonbrick.com/
Velux Skylights http://www.velux.ca/
Light Tubes -- SunScope http://www.sunscope.com/
American Standard Plumbing fixtures http://www.americanstandard.ca/
Caroma Australian Toilets http://www.caromausa.com/
Gerber Plumbing fixtures http://www.gerberonline.com/default.aspx?setloc=1
Kohler Plumbing fixtures http://www.kohler.com/
Toto Toilets http://www.totousa.com/Welcome.aspx
Maximum Performance Testing of 6 Litre toilets research reports - which ones work! http://www.map-testing.com
Canadian Wood Council -- the source of the span tables & more. http://www.cwc.ca/
Wood Truss Council of America http://www.woodtruss.com/
SETS Systems Electric Tankless Water Heaters http://www.gotankless.com/expand240.html
Hot Water quickly to distant faucets http://www.gothotwater.com/
Rinnai Tankless Water Heater http://www.foreverhotwater.com/
Watts Plumbing Controls http://www.wattscanada.ca/
Spiro-Vent air purge for hot water heating systems www.Ontor.com
Just-for-Copper - copper plumbing pipe glue http://www.justforcopper.com/
Nu-Wal cracked plaster repair http://www.spec-chem.com/cracked-plaster-wall-repair/
Drywall Clips -- corners and flat joints http://www.prest-on.com/
Fiber Optic Wall Scopes - non-destructive investigation http://www.provision100.com/
Bio-Barrier - tree root control http://www.dbbinc.ca/
Geotextiles - ground filters http://www.fiberweb.com/
CCMC -- Canadian Construction Materials Centre - National Research Council Canada -- the official site of CCMC evulations: http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/solutions/advisory/ccmc_index.html
Portland Cement Association http://www.cement.org/
Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute http://www.cssbi.ca/
Incompatible Building Materials : go to the CMHC site and search for "Incompatible Building Materials". There are two free reports available for download. http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/
Vintage Woodworks - old style trim and rails http://store.yahoo.com/vintagewoodworks/
Masonry Canada http://www.masonrycanada.ca/
Invisible repointing of brick http://www.brickworkpreservation.com/
Western Red Cedar Lumber Association http://www.wrcla.org/
Pressure Treated Wood Foundations -- see book "Permanent Wood Foundations" and many other references if you search the site for same. http://webstore.cwc.ca/technical-books/pwf001e-permanent-wood-foundations
Concrete Driveways http://www.concretenetwork.com/ concrete/concrete_driveways/
Wood Myths: Facts and Fictions About Wood http://bct.nrc.umass.edu/index.php/publications/by-title/wood-myths-facts-and-fictions-about-wood/
Zinc strips -- Moss control http://joneakes.com/jons-fixit-database/1119-How-to-get-moss-off-roof-shingles-and-keep-it-off
Canadian Wind Energy Association http://www.canwea.ca/
Centennial Windows - vinyl windows and doors http://www.centennialwindows.com/
Solution Thermos : Thermal Window restoration http://www.solutionthermo.com/en/
Inline Fiberglass - windows and doors http://www.inlinefiberglass.com
Meloche Windows - vinyl windows and doors http://www.melochewindows.com/