Specialty Circular Saw Blades

Several years ago I produced a DVD about Stationary Saws and I wanted to include a through explanation as to why when using any circular saw you would want to use specific blades for specific tasks. I asked Freud to give me a hand with this as I find they tend to be amongst the most innovative of all the blade manufacturers. So even though parts of this come across as an advertisement, you will find that beyond that impression there is some real basic information of how blades are made and how they work, or don't work. For more information about selecting blades for general woodworking, see the "Blade Selection" video in the Table Saw Basics video set in the index on the left.
I encourage you to not miss the last two videos in this set: how to avoid wearing out your blade cutting into those very hard surfaces of laminate flooring; and why to use a negative angle blade for pipe and other profiles particularly when using a miter saw. The Glue Line Rip blade is an example as to why you want to keep your eye on new developments rather than just doing things as you have always done them -- this blade can often eleminate the step of using a jointer prior to a glue-up.
I get a lot of comments about strange spellings on my web site, and usually it is just my mistyping, but you will find some mix of the word "specialty" and "speciality" in this section. The British and most Canadians put an extra "i" in speciality compared to the US version - so I let them both cohabit because the web knows no boundries.
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Hello, and Australians put in an extra "i" , as well as "colour" rather than "color"! etc. Some of us have been taught "proper"!!
By the way, excellent web content, especially information on Radial Arm saws. I have my father's, a DeWalt 740 Powershop (240v here) which he purchased in 1977, and it is still functioning perfectly, and in adjustment.
Hello, my name is Thomas Culver. I am currently trying to fabricate my own saw mill. I have an 11 HP Honda, my question is about what size circular blade would that run. The reason I'm opting for the circular blade is people like the old sawtooth look. If worst comes to worst I'll go the bandsaw way. Thank you for your time.
Hi John thanks for all your help. You answered a lot of questions I needed to know. All the best.