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Found 209 results for the keyword(s) ‘repair plaster shower ceiling ’

  • Article

    Fixing ripped hanging holes in vinyl shower curtains

    The most common shower curtains sold are made of vinyl with very inadequate reinforcing around the hole used to hook it to the curtain rod.  The result is that rather quickly the vinyl stretches and breaks through.  Now this process accelerates when you have a wife like mine who scrubs the curtai...
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    Vapour barriers and Showers

    There is a lot of debate about whether to put a vapour retarder (vapour barrier) on an insulated wall behind shower tiles.  The code has not historically been specifically clear on this so we get lots of different interpretations.  What the code does say clearly is that we should not have two vap...
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    Stopping a leak in a shower stall

    Letter: I have a ceramic shower, that is leaking, I do not know how it was built or what is underneath.In the last week +- have noticed about an ounce or 2 of water in the garage,I have a small openeing in the ceiling directly under due to the drain pipe, the drain pipe and feed lines are dry. Bu...
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    Removing Textured Paint

    "I have a painting problem: All the walls and ceilings in my apartment have been painted using a sponge technique. The paint itself is a latex flat base to which powdered pigments were added along with a small amount of an abrasive material to give the walls an "adobe" look.I now wish to repaint...
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    Applying Stucco to a ceiling

    Although some people simply want a rough stucco look on their ceiling, the primary reason so many ceilings are stuccoed is to hide a poor drywall job. Yes, stucco will cover many faults. It is also very forgiving to work with.Whether you apply it with a compressor system or with special loop...
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    Fixing a recessed light hole that is too large.

    Iver in Manitoba recently had a workman install pot lights in their ceiling. The problem is that they used the outer ring rather than the inner ring to draw the hole and now the lights just fall out of the ceiling. What to do?About the only thing to do without patching up the hole and starting o...
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    Tip -- Drilling holes in the ceiling without a mess.

    What a mess whenever you have to drill either small or large holes in the ceiling.A nifty trick is to take a fairly flexible and transparent food container, put you bit right through the bottom and into the drill.Hold the container low to sight your entry point, then slide it up tight to the ceil...
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    Re-attaching drywall tape in a shower.

    Vaclav, from Edmonton, writes: "Years ago the tile bathtub-surround was cut out and replaced with new drywall and tile. The upper edge of the drywall tape, which is not covered with the top row of tiles, is peeling off. How can I fix it without removing it?"Open the crack behind the tape just ...
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    Can you plaster over stipple to make it smooth?

    Joe in Edmonton and Pat in Vancouver both asked if they could change their stippled ceilings to smooth ceilings.This is a real tough job and my standard response is to scrape off the high points and simply put drywall over the stipple rather than trying to do a full wall plaster job. But it can ...
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    Repairing a 6x6 hole in drywall.

    Mike asked for help in repairing a large hole in drywall, so we built a model with several alternatives. All of them work.  Follow this link to the Learning Curve Tab for a video on all of this.The traditional technique is to slide wood, or even drywall strips into the wall and screw them into p...