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Found 211 results for the keyword(s) ‘wall type air conditioners for duplex’

  • Article

    Peeling paint on a foundation wall.

    Michele in Hamilton, Ontario needs to repaint her cinder block walls on the outside of the basement. But a close look at a photo that she sent us showed a lot of deep holes or pock marks in the blocks. Not only the paint was peeling off, but the block itself was breaking off.  This is a sign o...
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    How to move heat from a stove to other rooms.

    Jon in Winchester, Ontario has a free standing natural gas stove and wants to get that heat distributed to the rest of the house.  First, what not to do Do not try to put a grill in a return air duct of a forced air heating system over the stove as you see in the photo, especially forbidden fo...
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    How to install an electrical box where there is no stud.

    To see all of this on video visit the Drywall section of the Learning Curve. When you need to install an electrical box in a specific location and there is no stud to attach it to, we call that ReWork -- getting a box in where it is impossible or difficult to attach to a stud.  Most electrical b...
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    Retaining Walls and Frost

    Hi Jon,  I have a driveway retaining wall that continues to be pushed by the ground, even though it is backed by gravel and drained to "nothing under the driveway" except crushed gravel. I realize proper drainage affects this somewhat, however would prefer not to cut open my driveway, sidewalk a...
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    How do you keep stains from showing through paint?

    Wendy wants to clean years of nicotine off of her walls and repaint.   GENERAL GRIME First, the best cleaner for any paint preparation is TSP, Tri-Sodium-Phosphate. There are now some more environmentally friendly "TSP Substitutes" available on the market as well. If no stain is left, use any ...
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    Adjusting the Posi-Temp temperature control shower valves.

    Dan from Toronto, Ontario writes: "I saw your show about installing the Moen Positemp shower system. We had two installed, one upstairs and one in our basement shower. Both work fine for controlling the "shock" factor, but we can't seem to get enough hot water out of the upstairs one. Is there a ...
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    Exteriour wood filler that won't shrink

    Our TV camera found Lawrence in a store: "When you are using MDF boards, what is the best wood filler to use?" Medium Density Fiberboard or MDF is that very dense compressed sawdust that is formed into panels and all kinds of molding. When filling nicks and dents in this material, it is importan...
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    Miter Saw Stands

    Miter Saw stands are generally categorized into 4 types of support systems for miter saws: 1) Rail systems that look much like saw horses; 2) fixed or portable tables with the saw bolted into place; 3) hybrids of rails and tables and finally 4) part kits that assemble around a large 2x wood c...
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    Straightening 2x4's in a stud wall

      When you build that basement wall with economy lumber, and one stud is just not flat with the others, there is a way to fix that quickly to end up with a flat wall.             IDENTIFY THE BULGING OUT SIDE OF ANY STUD Then in the middle of the bow, saw cut about 2/3rds of the way ...
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    Important precautions for installing large tiles

    The world of tiles is changing rapidly.  Twenty years ago we generally had a range of tile sizes from 1 ft x 1 ft down to tiny mosaic tiles.  This made tiling relatively simple because slight changes in the flatness of the surface could be adjusted for at the next grout line.  In fact that is...