for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Last Updated: , Created: Friday, January 14th, 2022

Zoom Consultation - Drilling straight without a guide

Video conferencing, like Zoom, is known for head-to-head talks, but it is also a dynamic tool for interactive inspections, remote on-site consultations, and remote on-site teaching.    In 2016 I tried to start a Zoom interactive webinar but back then, not many people were comfortable with video conferencing; we were too far ahead of the times. Now, thanks to the pandemic, everyone is plugged into one video conferencing medium or another.  Today I do most of my trouble shooting home inspections by Zoom and am beginning to do beginner apprentice or teaching sessions as well. Follow this link to see details on setting up a Zoom interactive session with me.

The following video is a complete excerpt from that Webinar series on Transition between floors at slightly different levels.    Follow this link to see a montage of 5 different Zoom inter-active consultations. 


Drywall compound imperfections

Finishing drywall joints is a common DIY job but one that takes a lot of practice to do well.  The best place to start is with a step-by-step lesson on drywalling, which you can see in full video in the Learning Curve section of this website. 

This homeowner has actually done fairly well with drywalling but came to me because she just couldn’t get it perfect without sanding like crazy.  She didn’t quite get the tool technique.  So rather than just watching more videos, we had an interactive Zoom session right in her kitchen renovation to check up on her work.  She loved the magic inspection tool that she didn’t know she already had in her toolbox.


You Can Do It

Remember that this homeowner is a fine handywoman but not a professional tradesperson, and not a camera professional either.  Sometimes in video conferences we discuss if the homeowner has the skills necessary to do a good job, or who they should hire – knowing, discovering or increasing your abilities as well as understanding your limitations is essential to a successful job.

Yes, you can do this as easily as recording your grand kids dancing.  Today we all have this technology, let’s use it in a way we have never done before.

Enjoy the video

Keywords: Drills, Renovation, Apprentice, Video - Included, Techniques, Consultants, Inspection, Tools, Learning, Teaching, Video Conference, Video Consultation, Zoom

Article 2327