for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 46 results for the keyword(s) ‘Drafts’

  • Article

    Overview: To HRV-ERV or not to HRV-ERV

    I am always amazed at house construction where so often things are half built or more while people are running around beginning to think about "extras" that should never be though of as "extras" but as part of the essential system. So time for one of my lectures -- (you asked for it).Heating is o...
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    Poor draft up a wood fireplace chimney

    Daniel in Ottawa has a lot of trouble getting the fire started without smoke in the house.Chimneys on the outside of the house always have more problems than chimneys that run up inside the warm part of the house. There may not be enough air available for the draft to start, which can be demo...
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    Dealing with a drafty house.

    Caulking on the outside of the house has very little to do with stopping cold air drafts from getting into the house. It's purpose is to weather proof the wall against rain penetration. It doesn't generally stop air flow since most siding is purposefully ventilated.Caulking inside the house ...
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    Is there a problem moving a chimney outside the house?

    John in Thunder Bay has moved his gas burning fireplace from the centre of the house and he is moving it to the side of the basement and wants to run it up the outside of the house. He was asking if there could be any problem with downdrafting by doing this. The answer is that this is the worst...
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    What is temporary caulking?

    Temporary caulking is a transparent caulking specifically designed to be put on a window frame in the Fall and then peeled off in the Spring. It is used to actually caulk old windows, usually sliders, shut for the winter because their weather-stripping just isn't keeping the cold out. Remem...
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    Blocking Cold Air Drafts

    Air drafts through the walls cost us the most heating and air conditioning dollars, far more than a lack of insulation. Blocking them up is called Air Sealing.If a crack is meant to move, like a door or a window, then we block the drafts with weather stripping.If the crack is not meant to move, l...