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Found 83 results for the keyword(s) ‘Exhaust Fans’

  • Article

    How do I install an exhaust fan in a basement?

    Draw air off the floor, not off the ceiling The basement is different than the rest of the house because the floor is colder, attracting more moisture, and the cold air falls and is trapped on the floor as well. So the first step is to plan for the exhaust fan to draw the air off the floor of th...
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    OVERVIEW: Portable Air Conditioners - single or double ducts?

    All air conditioners have a passage for room air to flow into the unit, flow over the cold side of the compressor coil and return to the room. This both cools the air and condenses some of the moisture out of the room air, which makes the room dryer, more comfortable and easier to cool. Wit...
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    How to control bathroom fans

    The minimum control for a bathroom fan is a simple wall switch.Sometimes the bathroom lights and the fan will be tied together. Now when you have a noisy fan, this can be quite tiring, so to avoid the noise you use the bathroom in the dark.The biggest problem with the simple wall switch control ...
  • Article

    What is the maximum duct length from a bathroom fan?

    Mike writes: "I'm renovating my bathroom and plan to install a fan. The shower is on one side of the room and the bath is on the opposite wall so I plan to put the fan in the middle of the room. What is the maximum amount of hose I can use to vent outside?"You shouldn't have any problem going ...
  • Article

    Forgot to install a bathroom fan. Can we use a charcoal filtered fan instead?

    Andre from Quebec forgot his bathroom fan. Now what to do?Well Andre, it is true that a charcoal recirculation fan will pick up and deal with most odours in the bathroom, if you keep the filter changed. But it will have absolutely no affect on moisture build-up, and hence on the possible develo...
  • Article

    Measuring air flow from your furnace or exhaust fans.

    Have you ever wondered how much air actually comes out of your hot air floor registers, or how many cubic feet per minute your bathroom fan actually exhausts? Well the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation has developed a simple tool that will give you a good approximation.They call it the Gar...
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    Where is the best place to put a bathroom exhaust fan?

    Paul from Prince Edward Island needs an exhaust fan in his bathroom and wants to know where is the best place to put it.If you go up through the roof, you will be unable to totally avoid condensation in the top of the duct that can come back into the bathroom. I would prefer to avoid going throu...
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    Installing a bathroom fan.

    There are many things to consider when installing a bathroom fan, but when we went to install one in a viewer's home, we were stopped short when we discovered that the old one had no duct at all attached to it. It just shot right into the attic. You must get that hot moist air beyond the at...
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    Getting the bathroom exhaust fan out through the wall.

    Annia asked about getting rid of some mould in her basement bathroom. I have often discussed mould and mould clean-up and in every case I point out that you must have an exhaust fan in the bathroom. So today I thought I would talk about just how you get the exhaust fan duct through the base...
  • Article

    How do you clean an exhaust duct?

    If it is a plastic flexible duct, it can be very difficult to clean precisely because it is so flexible. But all ducts can be cleaned with "duct brushes". These are round brushes similar to chimney sweep brushes but much softer, with either a string pull or a rod on the handle. If you can't fi...