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Found 209 results for the keyword(s) ‘repair plaster shower ceiling ’

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    -- Take care of air barriers, ventilation and vapour barriers before insulating. Check out these three topics in the Search Tab above.-- Don't block the eave vents with insulation.-- Do cover the top of the outside wall.-- Don't put plastic foam on top of porous insulations (batts, loose fill) a...
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    In Canada, other than on the lower mainland of British Columbia and on Sable Island, it is impossible to maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the house and not have frost on single-pane windows most of the winter.Using two panes of glass allows the inner pane to be warmer than the outer on...
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    A common problem is found in B.C. when people pile lots of insulation into suspended ceilings below cold attics. Ventilating the space above the insulation to the outside can only be recommended if you have successfully made the suspended ceiling air-tight at the ceiling level. If anyone ha...
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    No! Large-blade ceiling fans, even the simplest and least expensive models, will do no more than equalize the air temperature in a room (making it feel warmer for the same amount o furnace work) and slightly lower the temperature on the ceiling (which means less heat loss through the ceiling). ...
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    Drywall Butt Joints with a pro

    When you put two pieces of drywall head to head, like on the ceiling, there is no tapered valley to hide the paper and drywall compound. The secrete to hiding this joint, which will be raised above the surface, is to spread it out as much as two to three feet wide.On this TV show we visited an o...
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    Overview: Attic Moisture

    Ventilation in a Canadian attic does very little to remove moisture when the temperature in the attic is below freezing. During that time, the moisture is in the form of Ice and the passing air simply won't remove it -- whether you have passive vents or power vents. When things warm up, if the ...
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    Re-Wiring a Lamp

    We walk through a couple of the tricks on re-wiring a table lamp.First take a close look at the socket fixture and locate the word "PRESS". If you push this point with your thumb, you will be able to remove the socket from its base without any tools or mess.Second learn how to use the old wire t...
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    Shower head cleaning

    Calcium build-up can make a shower a difficult place to get wet. Soaking the shower head in ammonia over night solves the problem. You can do it without even taking the head out of the shower. Just put a vegetable bag full of vinegar over the head and attach it with a rubber band over night, t...
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    Removing rusted nuts and bolts

    Getting a rusted nut off is often very difficult. Of course an air powered impact wrench such as you commonly find in a garage will help a lot. But for the rest of us?..Penetrating oils exist that do a pretty good job of dissolving rust and releasing these things. Flood it on and vibrate it...
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    Can we get a scratch out of a ceramic tile?

    One viewer challenged us with the task of taking a scratch out of a ceramic tile, without replacing the tile of course.Simple buffers didn't do anything. Buffers with polishing compound did a little better. A soft rubber based grinder did the best, but left a rough appearance. A grinding stone...