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Found 211 results for the keyword(s) ‘wall type air conditioners for duplex’

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    Air Spaces in Walls -- Myth and Science -- Overview

      Walls often have air spaces hidden somewhere between the siding on the outside and the drywall on the inside.  Some are accidental -- some on purpose, even code required -- some served a purpose at one time in history but because of the evolution of construction, are no longer useful -- some a...
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    Basement Perimeter Drainage and Leaking Foundations

    This article deals with walls below grade, foundation walls.  For insulating above grade cinder block walls see How do you Insulate a Brick and Block construction as well as Insulating an Above Grade Block Wall from the Inside. The best way to prevent water from leaking into the basement is not ...
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    Green ooze from electrical outlets???

    Yes it happens -- but Why? Two viewers have strange problems with their electrical outlets. One has had bright green oily ooze coming out of an electrical outlet on and off for the last two years. Changing the outlet didn't stop it. Another has green deposits at the outlet every time she uses he...
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    Insulating un-insulated outside wall corners

    Often in constructing a house, the sequence of putting up walls, applying outside sheathing and installing insulation batts can leave the outside corner as a hollow spot with no insulation. The carpentry work was done and the hollow corner closed and hidden before the guys with the fiberglass eve...
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    Drilling & Replacing ceramic tiles -- even with your own photo

            DRILLING A TILE When you want to hang something on ceramic tiles you will need to drill a hole. Regular metal cutting twist bits will not cut through the hard ceramic face, and in fact the ceramic material itself will destroy such a bit. You need to use a bit that has a carbide head....
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    Yes but no. (I thought you'd like that one.) Aluminum reflectors will turn back RADIATION heat losses into the house, and in fact help to limit heat losses. However, they will only work if there is at least a half-inch air space in front of the reflective surface and the surface remains clean an...
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    Dealing with insect invasions: Cluster Flys, Lady Bugs & Boxelder Beetles

      A viewer on my HGTV program asked: "Does the type of siding make a difference in attracting Cluster flies?" I always wanted to learn more about those flies that cluster on the side of houses (usually in the country) and mass in the windows in the early spring and late summer. They are larger ...
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    Tips for working with fiberglass insulation

      CUTTING FIBERGLASS STRAIGHT AND SQUARE   It is always easier to cut fiberglass batt insulation if you compress it down as flat as possible. That way you can get through in one pass. Using a piece of plywood gives you a straight edge at the same time.         There is a special devic...
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    What is a Rain Screen Wall?

    One of the most reliable ways of both keeping our walls dry, and allowing them to dry out if they do get wet, is to construct the wall with an outer shell that we call a rain screen. Rather than trying to make the siding on the house absolutely waterproof, which never works for a very long tim...
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    Choosing a mitre saw.

    One of our viewers is looking to redo all the trim in his house so he is wondering which mitre saw he should buy. The variety is very confusing but there are two basic types:  Fixed mitre boxes that go up and down. They will cut mitres, angles to the right or the left and most of them will cut...