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Found 7 results for the keyword ‘WiFi’

  • Lloyds of London bails out of the cell phone health debate

      “The purpose of the exclusion is to exclude cover for illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionising radiation exposure i.e. through mobile phone usage." CFC Underwriting LTD, London.    Radio Show on Lloyds EMF exclusion CJAD 17 April 2015 - 30 min. 2010 Lloyds compares EMF to asbe...
  • Measuring magnetic fields inside your house

    All electrical currents give off electromagnetic radiation when there is any change in the current flow, which means that our standard AC current is giving it off all the time. (DC current only creates an electromagnetic field when it goes on or off or changes magnitude.) Transformers tend to giv...
  • Personal thoughts as to why I am sceptical about the wireless industry's "scientific" position on EMF and Health

    Reflections on why someone with a scientific orientation like myself might give more credibility to those who worry about the health effects of cell phones and smart meters than to those who say there is no "scientific proof" of a health problem.   The following is an extract from an exchange wit...
  • The EMF debate changes again: US government research proves that cell phone radiation does cause cancer.

    2016 --   A US government study from the National Toxicology Program shows a definite link between cell phone radiation and the development of cancer but the press says there is still no problem.  After reading the government report myself (you can get the full report here and read it for yours...
  • Smart Meters & Fires

      Here is a lengthy response to a comments thread on a video entitled Smart Meter Fires. You can see the initial discussion at the bottom of this page.   Where fear is expressed, it is not always fear mongering but often precaution.  “Fear mongering” is a political tac...
  • Scientists in Quebec take stands on both sides of the EMF debate.

    Follow this link for a background and an overview of the debate on EMF and human health. The debate is strong in Québec.  A large group of scientist and engineers worried about what they consider the unfounded public outcry against wireless progress published a letter in the newspaper LeDevoir o...
  • OVERVIEW: Electromagnetic radiation and your health: THE DEBATE

    Click here to scroll down past all the legal updates to see the Overview of the debate on Cell Phones, Wi-Fi and Smart Meters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Dec. 2019:  The US Supreme Court just rejected an appeal of a lower court ...