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Found 162 results for the keyword ‘Cleaning’

  • Cleaning & Re-finishing Plastic Patio Furniture

      Almost all of us own at least two outdoor plastic lawn chairs, more properly called resin chairs, if not a whole dining set.  Most of us watch them get dirtier and dirtier every year, until we finally scrap them for something cleaner.  Sitting out in the weather tends to somehow grind them int...
  • How do you get stubborn stains out of the grout between ceramic tiles?

    Commercial cleaners There are a lot of tile cleaners, even some grout cleaners on the market such as those shown above or the newer cleaner specifically for grout, Oxy-Grout. They work pretty well if you have a stain on grout that had been sealed before the stain, because the stain will be somew...
  • Soap and static sheets could destroy your clothes dryer.

    It's all about maintenance and one of our viewers had half of a very interesting story. Burnice writes: "I had a wonderful morning, the heating unit went out of my dryer! Why does everything seem to fall apart this time of year!??? The guy that fixes things went in to the dryer and pulled out t...
  • A DIY kit for refinishing marble

    Dee from Leduc, Alberta wants to bring the shine back up on an old marble sink. There is a marble restoration kit available for DIY'ers from a company called BrightStone. Of note is that it is probably the easiest way to get the right kind of polishing compounds in a cream base for bringing the ...
  • Which is a better cutting board: plastic or wood?

    Any cutting board can become dangerous to your health if you let it collect bacteria. Rule number one is to use a different cutting board for food that will not be cooked than the one you use for raw meat and fish. If raw vegetables are contaminated, there is no heat process to kill bacteria aft...
  • What are the options in furnace air filters?

    A minimum filter is designed to protect the furnace fan from large dust balls -- not to protect your health.   ONE INCH FILTERS You can start upgrading from there. One of the best of the 1 inch filters is called Filtrete from 3M. It's an electrostatic filter that becomes charged as the air pas...
  • How do you keep stains from showing through paint?

    Wendy wants to clean years of nicotine off of her walls and repaint.   GENERAL GRIME First, the best cleaner for any paint preparation is TSP, Tri-Sodium-Phosphate. There are now some more environmentally friendly "TSP Substitutes" available on the market as well. If no stain is left, use any ...
  • What's that Smell?

    In this TV segment we walked through a whole series of ways to eliminate different types of odours. Baking Soda is an old standby that usually works on about anything, either just sitting in it's box absorbing odors, or sprinkled heavily over a problem and then swept up, or made into a paste and...
  • How to get moss off roof shingles, and keep it off.

    Jim had an interesting problem with his mother-in-law's house. The 25 year old roof had no moss, ever. Then he re-shingled and the north and east sides have been constantly covered in moss. Why and what to do about it? Zinc impregnated shingles For a bit more money you can buy shingles that hav...
  • Repairing Marble surfaces

      Cleaning stone People often create hazed patches on polished marble surfaces simply by using the wrong cleaner. Anything like vinegar or most glass cleaners will actually etch the surface of marble, requiring re-grinding of the surface. This is not just some substance sitting on the marble th...