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Found 209 results for the keyword(s) ‘repair plaster shower ceiling ’

  • Article

    How to get the stuck handles off of the faucets

    Brian in Calgary just can't get the handles off of his faucets in the shower. He has tried to pull them off until his hands are raw. When he tried to pry them, he discovered that the plumbing in the wall is not stable and the pipes move forward. He tried WD-40 and CLR to get the handles to...
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    Repairing rust holes in a rain gutter

    Jim from London, Ontario writes: "I have a 30 year old home and the metal gutters have never been replaced. Certain sections seem to have rusted through and have developed pin to dime size holes that leak. I have tried to patch them but nothing seems to stop these small holes from re-occurring....
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    Can I put drywall directly on basement ceiling joists?

    Yes you can, but it is not always easy to do. The joists may not be perfectly spaced and you only have a 1-1/2 inch target for attaching two edges of the drywall. As well, the floor joists are often not perfectly on the same plane, with one or more of the floor joists being slightly lower or hi...
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    Cork plug for hardwood floor.

    One viewer suggested using cork plugs for holes in hardwood floors.Simply pound it in with a little glue, slice it off with a sharp knife. A little urethane over the top and it makes a surpassingly good plug to fill up pipe or wire holes left in hardwood floors during renovations.
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    What to do with bad drywall joints after they are painted?

    One viewer installed drywall, taped the joints, painted and then discovered that there were lumps and uneven areas in the joint plaster. What to do?It is certainly easier to perfect the sanding before there is paint on the wall, so the moral is to really verify your sanding job before saying it ...
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    Filling a floor gap after removing a wall.

    So you have taken out a wall where there were hardwood floors on either side. You know you have to fill the gap with something, but what?The first realisation is that even if both sides are floored with the same wood installed at the same time, the boards on one side will never line up with the ...
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    Repairing Cladboard Siding in Newfoundland.

    There is probably no place in the world that gets tougher siding exposure than in Newfoundland and it may surprise you that wood clapboard siding is still the dominant siding on the Island. But it does require maintenance and occasional repair or replacement. Aiden Duff showed us how it is done...
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    How to cover the faucet holes when converting to a single handle shower.

    Neville from Ajax, Ontario writes: "I have an older home built in 1972. The bathtub faucets are on 6 inch centres. All the new fixtures I can find are on 8" centres. I want to install a single control valve in the tub and shower. Does this mean redoing all the plumbing inside the wall or do ...
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    Can I put a dimmer switch on a ceiling fan?

    You cannot use a dimmer switch on a fan motor, but you can find fan speed controllers.Why? A regular dimmer switch simply reduces the voltage. That works with lights, but will burn out a motor (and maybe burn down the house).A fan speed controller is a much more complex electronic device that re...
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    Repairing damaged laminate flooring.

    How do you repair damage in a laminate floor since the decoration is actually very thin?The putty solutionYou could gouge out the problem and apply a hard putty. Plastic Wood won't stick well enough but you could use some non-shrinking wood fillers which are not quite as strong but take stain be...