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Found 209 results for the keyword(s) ‘repair plaster shower ceiling ’

  • Article

    How do I increase the water pressure in my second floor shower?

    Ben in Montreal is having trouble getting wet in the shower.Often water pressure will decrease in a system when you have old pipes that are slowly collecting calcium and other minerals on the inside, closing down the diameter of the water flow. In a serious case, simply putting in standard new p...
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    Can I repair a pocket door without opening the wall?

    Try removing the trim around the door.That will usually either expose the track at the top, or removing the stops or trim down the sides may allow the door to swing out and lift off of the tracks.Although the track is installed during construction, the doors are usually hung just before the trim ...
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    Repointing historic brick & testing a repointing gun.

    Leigh Bamford is a young tradesperson who takes historical restoration, even just old house repair very seriously. With five years of experience, she insists on using old materials and old techniques on old buildings.RemvoialRather than using a power grinder to remove the old mortar from between...
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    A look at a bad roofing job and how to hire a roofing contractor.

    Annie has three roofs on her house, a shingled roof in the front part followed by an asphalt and gravel flat roof and then an elastomeric membrane flat roof over her back porch. They all seem to leak. The asphalt roof is only six years old, installed by someone who advertised in the local paper...
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    What is the right height for wainscoting?

    The books say 32 inches, but there is no reason for that to be a hard and fast rule. However if you make it a lot smaller you will have the impression of being a giant Alice in a tiny Wonderland. If you make it a lot higher, it will dominate the wall.Wainscoting was originally created to protec...
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    What do we do with an old brick wall that has no weep holes?

    Gary from Hamilton, Ontario writes :I know that brick veneer homes have vent holes in the lower rows to allow air to equalize the pressure and help keep water out. We have just bought a 50 year old solid brick (two layers of brick) house. I notice there are no vent holes and it doesn't appear t...
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    What are "injection" repairs for concrete wall cracks?

    Gordon from Montreal writes: I want to seal a crack in my foundation myself using an injection system. I hear there are two types of injection materials and can I do it myself?-------- ReplyYou are right Gordon, the two primary materials used for injection into concrete wall cracks are epoxy and ...
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    Repairing spalling Angel Stone.

    Dan from Fort Erie, Ontario wrote: I purchased a retirement home here just over an year ago and have noticed that the angel stone facing on the front of the house is breaking off. The house is about 40 years old and I suspect the angel stone is original. It appears that water is getting into ...
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    Yes, Canadian trouble free vaulted ceilings are possible!

    Yvonne wrote: At the Kitchen & Bath Show in Ottawa you mentioned that vaulted ceilings are a problem in Canada's climate. We are currently designing a new home and wondered if you could tell us how to avoid problems later through proper construction, insulation, air space etc.. Or is it be...
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    Retrofitting a bathroom for accessibility.

    Jan needed to do some serious renovations at her mother-in-law's house because the she had a stroke and was suddenly less mobile than she was before. So the bedroom was moved to the main floor and a new bathroom was built to go with it.She put Pergo floating hardwood floors right through from th...