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Found 209 results for the keyword(s) ‘repair plaster shower ceiling ’

  • Article

    A heat pump horror story.

    Leo from Kirkland, Quebec has been living a nightmare with his new house and his air source heat pump. He has put over $5,000 into heat pump repairs in the first 7 years and that doesn't count what was replaced for free because of warranties. Compressors kept burning out and valves gave out...
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    How do you sound proof a floor over another apartment?

    One of our viewers lives in an apartment over a noisy basement suite and wants to know what are their options to blocking the noise.Soundproofing is never a perfect thing and although each possible action can have an important effect, the sum of all the actions together can be less than you expec...
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    How to secure a ceiling fan

    On other shows we talked about wiring in ceiling fans -- today we dealt simply with how to attach it to the ceiling so that it does not come down on top of the bed like a giant blender.You cannot just attach it to the ceiling drywall.You cannot just attach it to a simple electrical box in the att...
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    Patching a hole in drywall

    Mike is a professional renovator who doesn't have time to mess with slow methods of patching drywall holes. He sent in his quick way to patch a hole in drywall. Measure, draw and cut the damaged hole out to a simple square shape. Cut a piece of drywall two inches larger on all sides than the h...
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    Eliminating scratches from furniture.

    I just had to show off a new product that is on the market called Scratch Match. When you scratch furniture or floors to the point of removing wood, you will need to either sand it all down and refinish, or work with colour matched putties. When you just scratch the finish and don't even ge...
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    The plunging router meets the counter top burn.

    There is really no way to repair a bad burn in a plastic laminate countertop, but you can still save the counter. In this segment I used a plunging router to cut out a very flat hole in the counter, just the right size to put a cutting board right where the burn was. Don't forget to careful...
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    Which direction should a ceiling fan turn?

    Perry in Cochrane, Alberta wants to know which way a ceiling fan should turn. Don't try to remember clockwise or counter-clockwise -- I always get that mixed up. Simply remember that in the summertime, moving air of any temperature feels cooler if it is blowing directly on our skin. The evap...
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    Replacing one section of an old pre-fab chimney.

    Glenn has a 26 year old prefabricated chimney and the top section is rusted out. He can't find anyone who has a replacement section for the chimney. So he asked if I could find it, and if not, whether he could screw something else to the top of his chimney.It turns out that his particular ch...
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    Drywall taping tips

    Before you get serious about tackling a drywall job, you should practice using two spatulas together, usually one a bit larger than the other. Butter one or both of them up with drywall compound (often called "mud"). Now slide one over the other with the two spatulas at right angles to each oth...
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    Tip: keeping drywall compund from drying out

    A viewer sent in the tip of pouring a little water over left-over drywall compound to keep it from drying out and then just pouring it off before starting the next job. It does work, and you can get the same results by pushing a sheet of the plastic food wrap right down into contact with the sur...