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Found 211 results for the keyword(s) ‘wall type air conditioners for duplex’

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    What to do with bad drywall joints after they are painted?

    One viewer installed drywall, taped the joints, painted and then discovered that there were lumps and uneven areas in the joint plaster. What to do?It is certainly easier to perfect the sanding before there is paint on the wall, so the moral is to really verify your sanding job before saying it ...
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    Repairing Cladboard Siding in Newfoundland.

    There is probably no place in the world that gets tougher siding exposure than in Newfoundland and it may surprise you that wood clapboard siding is still the dominant siding on the Island. But it does require maintenance and occasional repair or replacement. Aiden Duff showed us how it is done...
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    How to strap a block wall for board and batten

    Rick from Grand Bend, Ontario writes: "I need advice on how to strap a block wall for board and batten. The wall is 10 ft. high, and I am wondering how many straps I will need?"Too few straps and the boards will warp, too many and you are wasting your energy and perhaps blocking ventilation behi...
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    How to hang posters without taking off the paint.

    A young lady grabbed our camera in a store and begged for help with hanging posters in her room. The scotch tape marks were just pissing off her mom too much.Probably the best of the new gadgets for hanging things on a wall is the one that you see advertised so much by 3M, the plastic clip that ...
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    How to hide wall cracks continually caused by passing trains.

    When something like passing trains or heavy traffic keep cracking plaster, or wallpaper corners in a house, you will not succeed in stopping the movement, but you can hide it.Cut the wallpaper neatly in the stressed corner.Nail molding into the corner, but attached only to one side. The other si...
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    What should be done with walls full of wood chip insulation?

    Tim from Timmins, Ontario has a 2x4 constructed home with wood chips for insulation in the walls. He wants to know if he can leave it there and insulate over the wall on the inside or should he tear it all out?Wood chips do insulate but only at about R-1.4 per inch. Fibreglass is 3.5 per inch a...
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    Is it good practice to eleminate the chipboard on the outside of the house?

    Wagish from Brampton, Ontario is worried about the ongoing construction of his new home as they have not put a wooden sheathing on the outside of the house. He asks: "Is the insulation value and strength of the wall compromised by not using the chipboard?".First things first. "Chipboard" should...
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    How to insulate a block garage from the outside.

    Carolyn in Montreal wants to insulate her garage so that she can heat it but it is so narrow that there is no room to do anything on the inside. Can she insulate on the outside?As you can see in the graphic, you can easily put foam insulation of just about any thickness right on the block wall. ...
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    The making of a threshold -- DIY & Pro compared.

    Stephanie had her kitchen re-done but the floor got even higher than before and there was the need for a massive threshold between the hardwood floors and the kitchen tile, a good 1-1/2in high and about 3 inches wide.When faced with a $300 bid for two thresholds, she decided to do it herself. So...
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    What is that white stuff on my basement wall?

    Judy has a pretty messy basement wall and has had several expensive estimates for fixing it.It almost looks like a mould or a fungus growing out of it, starting at a definite line quite high up on the wall.When I looked through the window I could see that the white stuff was starting about a foot...