for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 444 results for the keyword ‘Techniques’

  • Can I put carpet over tiles?

    Madaline wants to put carpet over tile over parquet flooring.  The following answer also applies to vinyl over ceramic tiles. Well, aside from the floor getting so thick that doors may not open and counters will appear to be sinking into the floor, there are a couple important things to know abo...
  • Identifying and Controlling Insects

    When faced with an invasion of insects, the first thing to do is to determine if this is a variety of insects that are easy to deal with yourself or do they require a professional. For instance it is important to distinguish between insects that migrate in and out of the house and hence can often...
  • Pro: Integrating Windows to Walls

    I remember years ago, touring Quebec delivering CMHC builder and renovator courses in an effort to get contractors into trouble free window installations. Aside from the fact that they all had the funny habit of installing their windows in French, I was really intrigued to discover that each regi...
  • Preventing leakage through a shower floor

    It always surprises people to learn that neither siliconed grout nor glazed tiles are totally waterproof. If there is not a waterproof membrane below the tiles, the heavy flow of water in a shower would eventually soak through the base and rot out the floor below. No amount of silicone sealant no...
  • Removing silicone caulking

    Bill from British Columbia sent in an e-mail asking how to remove silicone caulking from his acrylic shower floor. For many years we had nothing that would remove silicone caulking from a bathtub. Then all the companies came out with silicone caulking removers. Then they all disappeared (or will ...
  • Making an invisible patch in a lathe and plaster wall

    To fix a bulge or hole in a lathe and plaster wall, we need to pay special attention to two things: limit the damage as we remove the loose plaster, and make sure the new plaster sticks solidly to the old lathe.   DEFINE THE PROBLEM AREA Start by using a pencil to draw a line around the entir...
  • Replacing screens in doors and windows & New Types of Screens

    When it comes to installing screens into a screen door I have always had problems keeping the mesh straight and avoiding wrinkles in the corners when I followed the standard instructions of starting at one corner and working my way around, unless I was working with someone else to help hold it al...
  • A safety correction about penetrating oils and propane torches.

    David from Victoria, British Columbia is a safety officer in his workplace. Last year he saw me putting penetrating oil on a rusted nut and then heating it with a propane torch to break it loose. Bad stuff he says. Heating oils like that can be very bad for your health, as was the case of a custo...
  • TIP - Loosening rusted bolts

    When it comes to loosening rusted bolts, some ways are more ecologically friendly than others. Heat Simply heating the nut will sometimes expand it before the bolt heats up, breaking the rust lock and allowing it to come off. Chemicals Lubricants and ordinary oils will not break the bonds of ...
  • Techniques for Installing Drywall
