for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 30 results for the keyword ‘Frame’

  • Repairing old fashioned wooden framed windows

    Whether you still have some of those old storm windows, or have single glazed windows used as decorative dividers between rooms inside the house, you may need to know how to work with window putty.   REMIVING OLD WINDOW PUTTY In ancient history, the old putty was generally removed with a carpe...
  • How do I shim windows properly?

    Shimming windows into a wall is not done just any which way. The better of the window manufacturers will provide a shimming schedule with every window, specifying exactly where the shims should go. The general principles are: Bottom shims On the bottom the shims should go under vertical struct...
  • DIY -- Removing condensation from inside a thermal pane window.

        When condensation shows up inside a thermal pane double window (between the two pieces of glass), you know that the seals around the edge have been compromised, allowing moisture to get inside. These cannot really be re-sealed so the standard response to this problem is to replace the gla...
  • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- removing the fog from thermal pane windows.

      When condensation shows up inside a thermal pane double window (between the two pieces of glass), you know that the seals around the edge have been compromised, allowing moisture to get inside. These cannot really be re-sealed so the standard response to this problem is to replace the glass ...
  • Cold window frames and window condensation

    Shawn asked why he always has condensation on his windows. Check "condensation" in the database and you will see a lot about high humidity in the house and the need for one sort of ventilation or another. Here I wanted to look closely at another cause of condensation -- extra cold spots on the wi...
  • Overview - Condensation on the house side of thermal windows

    Richard writes in:   Hi, I could not find this second level question on your web site. I am familiar with the humidity levels required in a home to avoid condensation on the inside on a thermal pane window- we are still getting condensation with readings in the center of the room of 20 degree C ...
  • Techniques for Installing Drywall

    Wood Bracing for Doors, Windows, Cupboards and Shelves

  • Replacing a rotting door sill.

    Jack wants to know just how a door frame is made, so that he can take his apart. The sill is rotten. Usually, but not always, the sill goes right under the vertical framing. Sometimes the vertical piece is notched into the sill. In either case, you have to either cut out all the rotten wood, or ...
  • Kitchen Doors: Polyester or Polymer

    Although it is possible to purchase real wood doors or have them custom made, more and more kitchens have one form or another of plasticized doors, generally made of MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard, compressed wood fibres) and covered with various plastics, acrylics or polymers.  Plastics were fi...
  • Cheating doorways wider for wheel chair access

    Getting through doors with a wheelchair or even a stroller can be a real problem and often all you need is an inch more.  "HealthSmart Expandable Door Hinges" can solve the problem, but availability is hard to keep up with, you may have to do a current Google search to find them.  Some health ...