One way to preserve your sanity when that dripping faucet keeps you awake at night and you don't have time to fix or replace it just yet -- simply tie a string around the faucet so that drip will flow quietly into the sink. If the drip makes noise from the sink down to the bottom of the trap, lo...
Andrew in Toronto has solved the problem of laundry lint blocking his laundry tub and causing it to overflow. He simply clamps a nylon stocking onto the end of the drain pipe leading from the washing machine. The stocking collects the lint so that it can't block the drain and it is easy to clea...
Tim from Winnipeg sent in the useful suggestion that you use a china marker to put line-up marks on your rough fitted ABS joints so that when you take it all apart and then go to glue it back together, everything lines up as you had planned. If you don't have a china marker handy, use the white ...
Calcium build-up can make a shower a difficult place to get wet. Soaking the shower head in ammonia over night solves the problem. You can do it without even taking the head out of the shower. Just put a vegetable bag full of vinegar over the head and attach it with a rubber band over night, t...
Ray from Rothesay, N.B. has a rumbling sound in his hot water heating pipes. Servicemen drained them twice, thinking it was air in the pipes, but no improvement.First idea, maybe it is a bad bearing in the circulation pump. You can check that out by putting your ear right to the pump when it ki...
Shower faucets often have large holes cut through the tiles to allow the plumbing through. These are then covered up by escutcheon plates, those decorative plates behind the handles. But these plates are not water proof and often water rolls down the tiles, behind the cover plates and into the ...
Letter: I have a ceramic shower, that is leaking, I do not know how it was built or what is underneath.In the last week +- have noticed about an ounce or 2 of water in the garage,I have a small openeing in the ceiling directly under due to the drain pipe, the drain pipe and feed lines are dry. Bu...
Our viewers have been recommending products of late. Here are three that my staff tested and I really liked.The Quiet Fill toilet valve from Korky does in fact fill a toilet differently. A regular toilet will fill with a full flow for a while then slowly the valve closes down and it gets noisie...
Don't you just hate trying to line up all the PVC pieces in a sink drain? Wouldn't it be so nice if there was just a little bit of flexibility someplace in the drain line? After all, we did finally elminate the rigid speedways to get those great flexible ones that don't collapse.Well the compan...