for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 8 results for the keyword ‘Trades’

  • Sheet Metal apprenticeship at George Brown College

    Although we know that the professionally installed ducting in our houses, like the heating ducts, are all made out of formed sheet metal, when we install ducts ourselves we tend to use the convenient flex ducting. A straight sheet metal duct and a straight flex duct of the same size will not mov...
  • Apprenticeship programs in Renovation.

    We took a visit to George Brown College in Toronto to visit their two year Renovation Apprentice Program. With a combination of shop instruction, small shed building and on site apprenticeships, these young people are moving into renovation with a good working foundation, and direct job connecti...
  • Where can I get training in home improvements or woodworking?

    On this TV show I asked on one show for people who offer training to send me their co-ordinates and I will list them on the web, so here they are. If you offer training of some kind, send me a letter and I will add you to the list. I am not able to verify the quality of all of this training so ...
  • Today's coppersmith works much like his ancestors did.

    It is amazing what can be made out of copper, and perhaps even more amazing to discover that still today there exist coppersmiths, plying their trade with many of the same tools used hundreds of years ago. We think of copper today as fancy hoods over kitchen ranges or even copper roofs, particul...
  • Back Pain and Home Improvements

      Back Pain and arthritis are probably the two primary health problems that cause people to give up manual trades and even renovating or repairing their own homes.  Back pain in particular can step in while people are quite young.  It doesn't have to be so.    I have always had a peculiar pro...
  • Trained Indoor Air Quality Investigators

    As indoor air quality (IAQ) has been identified as a more and more important issue in our homes, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation  had  instituted a training program to train individuals/companies who are qualified to come into your home, identify IAQ problems and outline the solutions...
  • What is a Renovation Coach?

    When I work as a Renovation Coach I do the following: Trace problems to their source Evaluate options for remediation Guide you in your project – step-by-step Help avoid future problems Critique conflicting contractor propositions Find solutions that fit your house and your climate Help po...
  • Applying Rain Screen Principles - Pressure Equalization - to the Window/Wall interface in low rise residential construction

      THE CHALLANGE FOR INSTALLERS AND MANUFACTURERS jump to - RAIN SCREEN RESEARCH History   Jump to - RESIDENTIAL PRESSURE EQUALIZATION RESEARCH FINAL REPORTS   There are many variations on how to install a window into a wall, largely differing between new construction and renovation, but ther...