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Found 211 results for the keyword(s) ‘wall type air conditioners for duplex’

  • Article

    Can I put hardwood floors down on concrete?

    Dale asks about hardwood floors over concrete.If the concrete floor is above grade, like is common in a new condo, no problem.If the concrete is in a basement, below grade, then you have potential serious moisture problems, and hardwood really doesn't like excessive moisture.Generally it is not r...
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    Massive or Engineered hardwood floors?

    Darren Barrett from the Hardwood Flooring Store in Markham, Ontario and a long time expert in hardwood floors joined me in the TV studio to discuss the evolution of hardwood flooring. We set aside for this discussion all the plastic laminates with press board bases that have become so common. N...
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    Insulating an old house and more.

    I don't often answer all the details of a long letter, especially not with the time constraints that we have on television. But Larry from Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia wrote such a coherent detailed letter about the 80 years old very cold home that he just bought that I thought I would just wade in...
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    A look at restoring historic masonry.

    Andrew is restoring Toronto's Old City Hall, resetting, repairing even replacing some of those old sculptured blocks that sit high up on the wall.One of his challenges is making mortor that will act and look like the original stuff. One way that he accomplishes that goal is to grind up whatever ...
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    Which compound is best for patching walls?

    Ever wandered into the renovation centre looking for something to patch a hole in the wall? Complicated, isn't it with so many choices. Why so many? Some are made to fill large holes or cracks without shrinking, others are made to give you a fine smooth finish and some try to do a bit of both....
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    How do you insulate a double brick wall?

    Ed and Sharon in Manitoba just bought an old house in Manitoba and it is very cold, there doesn't seem to be any insulation in the walls at all. They have been told that it was double brick construction with plaster on the inside. Well friends, it was probably built by someone from Toronto who ...
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    Can you switch the gas / propane sources on a BBQ?

    Gabe from Toronto wants to know if he can get a conversion kit to switch his propane BBQ to natural gas.The answer is NO.Unfortunately the propane hose and the natural gas hose has the same size threads so it is possible to simply screw one type onto a BBQ made for the other type. But that is qu...
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    Old growth lumber from the bottom of the river.

    In a previous show we watched the salvage operations of a group called Logs End from Bristol, Quebec, where they were fishing up old growth timber that had sunk to the bottom of the Ottawa river a hundred years ago.This week we visited the saw mill.That great stack of timber tells a lot of storie...
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    Laying carpet over concrete

    Many viewers ask if they can put carpet over a concrete floor. The answer is a qualified Yes.There are three different concrete floors to consider: those in upper floors of the house that are always high and dry, those in the basement that may possibly run into moisture problems and those outdoor...
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    What is the right height for wainscoting?

    The books say 32 inches, but there is no reason for that to be a hard and fast rule. However if you make it a lot smaller you will have the impression of being a giant Alice in a tiny Wonderland. If you make it a lot higher, it will dominate the wall.Wainscoting was originally created to protec...