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Found 52 results for the keyword ‘Bathroom’

  • How do you refinish an old bathtub?

    Epoxy paints are available that you can use if you want to do this job yourself, and they are quite durable. However it is very difficult to apply them without seeing the brush marks.The real professional method, short of taking the tub out and sending it out for re-finishing, is to have a speci...
  • Alternatives for bathroom supplemental heating.

    Need a little more heat in the bathroom? Here is a quick run-through of some of the possibilities for supplemental heating for this small room.You are probably familiar with ceiling mounted heat lamps, usually red. Are you aware that they now have "white" heat lamp bulbs as you see in the secon...
  • Stopping a leak in a shower stall

    Letter: I have a ceramic shower, that is leaking, I do not know how it was built or what is underneath.In the last week +- have noticed about an ounce or 2 of water in the garage,I have a small openeing in the ceiling directly under due to the drain pipe, the drain pipe and feed lines are dry. Bu...
  • Radiant Heating Systems for Homes

    Radiant Heating and Convection Heating are the two primary types of ways we heat our houses. FORCED AIR HEATINGConvection heating means moving hot air -- what we usually call a forced air heating system simply heats air and moves it around the house through a system of fans and ducts.  Forced air...
  • Heating a bathroom without ductwork.

    Peter in Toronto has forced air heating but no ducts in his bathroom and finished ceilings below. He is wondering just how he can get heat to this room without ductwork.Well, Peter, the only heat available without any ductwork is electric. Actually using electricity to heat one bathroom in an a...
  • What happens when laminated floorings get wet?

    Any wood product will expand when it gets wet, some worse than others. Today we have a wide variety of wood or wood like flooring products.Massive HardwoodFirst you should understand that even massive hardwood, if allowed to stay wet or overly humid for too long will swell up and potentially buc...
  • Building materials recyclying store.

    Every major city has some kind of de-construction re-cycling store.Rather than just throwing things away when you renovate, they come in and take it apart for you and take it away for you. That saves you the money of demolition.Then they put it up for sale, providing lots of useful and valuable ...
  • How to control bathroom fans

    The minimum control for a bathroom fan is a simple wall switch.Sometimes the bathroom lights and the fan will be tied together. Now when you have a noisy fan, this can be quite tiring, so to avoid the noise you use the bathroom in the dark.The biggest problem with the simple wall switch control ...
  • Where is the best place to put a bathroom exhaust fan?

    Paul from Prince Edward Island needs an exhaust fan in his bathroom and wants to know where is the best place to put it.If you go up through the roof, you will be unable to totally avoid condensation in the top of the duct that can come back into the bathroom. I would prefer to avoid going throu...
  • Tip - Fill the bathtub before caulking.

    Kim from London, Ontario suggests filling the bathtub with water before caulking between the tub and the tiles.This is a great idea because by the time you add both water and people, your bathtub can weigh over 400 pounds. This can easily cause it to sink just a little bit, the floor bends, the ...