for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 74 results for the keyword ‘Types’

  • OVERVIEW: Window Replacement

    When it is time to replace your windows you will hear a lot of confusing and even contradictory things from contractors, salesmen and even friends. If you just look up Windows in this database you might be overwhelmed -- so here are the links to the most useful entries specifically related to pla...
  • Hole Saws: Automatic plug ejectors & the 1 tooth saw

    When you use a hole saw, it is often very difficult to get the plug out of the saw cup when you are done. More and more manufacturers have provided slots on the side of the hole saw to allow you to jam a screwdriver in and pry the plug out. But this is often not so easy. (By the way, the larger t...
  • Improving a wood chimney to stop backdrafting

      Rick from New Brunswick is having problems with his wood stove backdrafting and he wants to know if it will help to box in the chimney on the outside of the house. Backdrafting or difficult starting with wood burning appliances is often a problem and there are several entries in this database ...
  • Tape Measurers - Then & Now

    Measuring devices have gone from a folding ruler, to a tape measurer -- and then -- the new electronic digital read-out type. The digital tape measurer I had came from Starrett called the DigiTape. It could read in imperial and metric, the readout would flip for up-side-down reading. It would e...
  • What glue will stick to what?

    Glue or Adhesive? What is the difference between a glue and an adhesive? Only vocabulary, although often Glue is the term used for DIYers and Adhesive for professionals -- or for some Glue is liquid and Adhesive is gunned from a tube with a caulking gun or applied with a notched trowel.  Whether...
  • Miter Saw Stands

    Miter Saw stands are generally categorized into 4 types of support systems for miter saws: 1) Rail systems that look much like saw horses; 2) fixed or portable tables with the saw bolted into place; 3) hybrids of rails and tables and finally 4) part kits that assemble around a large 2x wood c...
  • Exteriour wood filler that won't shrink

    Our TV camera found Lawrence in a store: "When you are using MDF boards, what is the best wood filler to use?" Medium Density Fiberboard or MDF is that very dense compressed sawdust that is formed into panels and all kinds of molding. When filling nicks and dents in this material, it is importan...
  • Adjusting the Posi-Temp temperature control shower valves.

    Dan from Toronto, Ontario writes: "I saw your show about installing the Moen Positemp shower system. We had two installed, one upstairs and one in our basement shower. Both work fine for controlling the "shock" factor, but we can't seem to get enough hot water out of the upstairs one. Is there a ...
  • Choosing a mitre saw.

    One of our viewers is looking to redo all the trim in his house so he is wondering which mitre saw he should buy. The variety is very confusing but there are two basic types:  Fixed mitre boxes that go up and down. They will cut mitres, angles to the right or the left and most of them will cut...
  • Old fashioned linoleum has found new colours

      Linoleum used to be the kitchen floor covering of choice, but with the arrival of less expensive vinyl flooring which had colourful patterns, it got lost in the market. Yet linoleum has always been one of the most natural flooring materials following wood. It has been and is still made up ba...