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Found 74 results for the keyword ‘Types’


    Common Name: Cellulose Fiber, ground up newspapers. Colour: Grey or white. Thermal Resistance: RSI - .025/mm R - 3.6/in. Good Cost: Lowest plus blower. (The only blowers that can be rented by homeowners) Capacity to dry out if wet: Fair to poor Fire Resistance: Good to Fair (Borax can leach ...

    Example: Styrofoam products by Dow (by the way, Styrofoam is a Dow Chemical brand name and not a generic term for foam insulation). Colour: Blue (Dow) or Pink (Celfort) Thermal Resistance: RSI - .035/mm R - 5.0/in. Very high. Cost: high Capacity to dry out if wet: Won't get wet Fire Resistan...
  • Copper versus PEX plumbing pipes.

    Copper is a trusted and proven piping for residential water systems.  For years people have been interested in one form or another of more flexible plastic or mixed metal/plastic pipes that could be snaked through a house with fewer joints and easier installation.  Unfortunately there have been m...
  • Self Levelling Concrete

    Kim from Victoria, B.C. pulled up a carpet and discovered that the concrete floor slab was not level with the door sill. What to do? Use Self Levelling concrete. This is an easy to find but very special type of concrete that will say 'Self-Levelling' right on the bag. It is designed to flow like...