for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 120 results for the keyword ‘Wood’

  • Teaching Kids Woodworking -- reaching for success

    Over the years I have had the occasion to teach working with tools to kids as young as 3 years old.  At whatever age the secret is to know the individual kids attention span and prepair the work to give them a feeling of completion and success within those limits.  Regular sessions of success and...
  • Properly spreading glue

    Woodworking requires glue and a good glue joint is one that has just the right quantity of glue spread evenly over the entire surface being glued. When you run the glue bottle down the edge of a board and simply push up another board, the glue tends to spread out as in the first photo, where I am...
  • Table Saw Basics

    Basic Cross Cutting

  • Avoiding or dealing with wood rot

    When we are building new structures, we need to think about avoiding future rot problems. When we are renovating or repairing existing structures we are often faced with dealing with existing rot problems. In new construction we need to understand that all wood preservative systems are not equal...
  • Oscillating Tools

    The Running Cut

  • Improving a wood chimney to stop backdrafting

      Rick from New Brunswick is having problems with his wood stove backdrafting and he wants to know if it will help to box in the chimney on the outside of the house. Backdrafting or difficult starting with wood burning appliances is often a problem and there are several entries in this database ...
  • OVERVIEW: What finish should I put on my deck & how?

    revised Spring 2009 WEATHER Follow this link for details on critical weather specifications for applying water repellents to outdoor wood. MOISTURE PROOFING Although pressure treated wood, cedar and redwood will not rapidly develop rot, any wood left totally unprotected outdoors will grey wit...
  • Fire Safety & Installing Wood Burning Appliances

    Wood heating appliances get hot -- that's why we use them -- but they also burn down houses.  They are only safe if you install them safely.   -- Let's start with the fascinating process of how wood burns; -- and now let's see how that process can happen inside your walls or floors near woo...
  • Why do floors spring like a trampoline - and how to stop it?

    Floors spring or vibrate when they are not rigid enough for the distance they have to span between their supports. You can always put another post in the basement under the center of the area giving you problems. That solves the problems easily on the top, but often creates an unwanted obstruc...
  • Straightening 2x4's in a stud wall

      When you build that basement wall with economy lumber, and one stud is just not flat with the others, there is a way to fix that quickly to end up with a flat wall.             IDENTIFY THE BULGING OUT SIDE OF ANY STUD Then in the middle of the bow, saw cut about 2/3rds of the way ...