for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 55 results for the keyword ‘System’

  • Quebec all-electric? Not possible and not even a valid objective!

    EN FRANÇAIS There is an elephant in the room – QUEBEC GETS REALLY COLD.  The ecological dream of an all-electric urban society is suicidal in a cold climate like Quebec. Extended power system black-outs are a reality of life in Quebec.  Every few years electrical system black-outs have forced...
  • Rainscreen Detailing and the Canadian Building Code

    I have reproduced below an article from the construction professional publication Solplan Review November 2008 because it was such a good article on this complicated subject.  In 2023, Solplan Review is no longer in publication.  For an animation on what is a rainscreen, follow this link.   But...
  • Remove the outside air intake for the furnace when going all-electric?

    Gregory in Québec asked:   I recently replaced my oil furnace with a heat pump/electric furnace system. I live in the region of Montreal. The heat pump can heat/operate in temperatures as low as -30c. The oil furnace had an air intake duck supplying the furnace with outside (cold) air. I underst...
  • Quebec’s Decree to ban residential oil heating -- The hard truth and your options

      (updated May 2023)  -- Essentially nothing has changed in the last year -- read on. As for heating contractors that say you have no choice but to go all-electric, they are either ignorant of the regulations or lying to you.  When they tell you that you have no choice, tell them to call their ...
  • Water radiator overheating the room.

    Controlling a hydronic radiator when there is no water shut-off valve.  Hydronic heating means heating with hot water or steam.  With older systems it often means overheating as well!   IS THERE NOTHING YOU CAN DO? Hydronic heating was what kept houses hot a long time ago, and some of the old...