for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 128 results for the keyword ‘Problems’

  • Hiding Cracks You Cannot Close

      Truss uplift causes cracks between the wall and the ceiling that open and close every year and you cannot plaster or caulk them shut.  For details on the cause and solutions to this problem follow this link. If you cannot do the major work required to prevent this crack from opening, or you j...
  • Avoiding common errors with paving stones & Asphalt driveways

    It is frustrating when walkway or driveway paving stones heave with frost, or drop with erosion. If properly built, this doesn't happen. Actually what I have written here about paving stones applies to asphalt driveways as well.   A GOOD COMPACT SUBSTRATE IS ESSENTIAL IN A COLD CLIMATE You nee...
  • Removing climbing vines from walls.

    An ivy covered wall John from Mississauga, Ontario writes: "We recently bought a house that was half covered in ivy. We didn't like it and we were told to cut the roots and let the ivy die and then just tear it down from the walls. We cut the roots and let the ivy die but we noticed all these li...
  • Overview: Vermiculite, Zonolite, Asbestos and your health

    Note 2014 : As you read below you will find a detailed history of Vermiculite insulation and problems it had starting in 1920.  Just recently I have become aware of houses built around or before 1920, yes 100 year old houses, where it was discovered that there was about 2 inches of Vermiculite u...
  • Oscillating Tools


  • Scientists in Quebec take stands on both sides of the EMF debate.

    Follow this link for a background and an overview of the debate on EMF and human health. The debate is strong in Québec.  A large group of scientist and engineers worried about what they consider the unfounded public outcry against wireless progress published a letter in the newspaper LeDevoir o...
  • BP Roof Shingles -- Class Action Law Suit

    BP and IKO have had problems with some organic base (felt) asphalt impregnated shingles. There are class action suits against them in both the US and Canada. The advice from my roofing specialist: "Whoever claims they have a legitimate complaint against BP or IKO should go at it alone and not j...
  • Noises -- sounds that tell you what is wrong with your house

    Drum Cymbal noises --> Furnace Ducting Gina in Saskatoon is complaining about drum cymbal-like crashes that happen every time her furnace goes on. This is common when you have smooth flat ductwork. The heat and pressure of the air can cause the large flat surface of sheet metal to flex eithe...
  • Carpenter Ants & Identifying ants in general

    Carpenter Ants are probably one of the most home damaging insects in Canada and one of the most difficult to control. They don't eat the lumber in the walls of your house; they just dig tunnels through it to make a comfortable living space, but that tunnelling can destroy the structural integrity...
  • Blocking cannabis odours in an appartment building.

    Jon, On the radio last week you gave someone a remedy to get rid of a smoker's odours coming up through the apartment building.  Could you please post that for me.  Francine. ---- First my opinion -- second hand smoke from cigarettes is already identified as a public health problem, and is ofte...