for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Found 444 results for the keyword ‘Techniques’

  • Automatic bleeders for radiators

    For various reasons, hot water heating systems can accumulate pockets of air in the top of the radiators. When there is too much air, the water doesn't flow any more and the heat slows down and stops. For that reason most people have to "bleed" the radiators regularly: open a little valve in the ...
  • Hardwood Floors, nailing and shrinkage

    Holly in Wasi Lake, Ontario wants to know why her 1x10 pine tongue-and-groove floors are shrinking and leaving such large cracks. If you look at traditional hardwood floors you will notice that each board is rather narrow. In fact it is difficult to locate hardwood floors that are wider than 4 i...
  • Hole Saws: Automatic plug ejectors & the 1 tooth saw

    When you use a hole saw, it is often very difficult to get the plug out of the saw cup when you are done. More and more manufacturers have provided slots on the side of the hole saw to allow you to jam a screwdriver in and pry the plug out. But this is often not so easy. (By the way, the larger t...
  • Teaching Kids Woodworking -- reaching for success

    Over the years I have had the occasion to teach working with tools to kids as young as 3 years old.  At whatever age the secret is to know the individual kids attention span and prepair the work to give them a feeling of completion and success within those limits.  Regular sessions of success and...
  • A Retracting Latch for a Gate that Swings toward the street

    Gates that swing out towards the street present a serious problem for latches.  If you mount the latch on the gate itself, it will not work unless you install it on the street side.  Out on that side it is simply not secure.  If you mount it on the fence, then the shaft that catches the gate is a...
  • Double glue for difficult tiles.

    When you want to attach tiles where you would have to support them while the adhesive dries, like on a sloped surface or a ceiling, Chester from Metochosin, BC has a solution. Put the ceramic adhesive around the outside edge and then apply some hot glue to the centre. Push it into place and hold...
  • Getting trim to stick to the edge of panels.

    There are quite a variety of techniques and tricks to getting trim to stay put on the edge of a particle board or plywood panel. Many plastic and metal trims come in a 'T' shape. This requires you to cut a groove down the centre of the panel edge, just the right width and well centred to receive ...
  • Properly spreading glue

    Woodworking requires glue and a good glue joint is one that has just the right quantity of glue spread evenly over the entire surface being glued. When you run the glue bottle down the edge of a board and simply push up another board, the glue tends to spread out as in the first photo, where I am...
  • Oscillating Tools


    Table Saw Basics

    Dressing the Table