for Cold Climate Housing and much more

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  • Legality of DIY electrical and plumbing work

    NEW CONSTRUCTION In the interests of health and safety a number of trades are controlled by law, most particularly plumbing and electricity. The degree to which plumbing and electrical work are actually regulated varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For instance almost all work performed in...

    Click Here to Go to the BLOG This is one of those problems that are not dealt with seriously enough by the building officials in really cold regions.  I have opened a blog space at the bottom of this article for you to add in your case history so we can demonstrate that this is a large and conti...
  • What homeowners say about working with Jon Eakes.

    Two unsuccessful service visits later... I asked Jon a question by email and sent pictures about my furnace not turning on.  He pointed out something he saw (almost by accident) in the corner of one picture and that turned out to be the problem!  Solved! M Babins ------ Sump Pump configuratio...
  • It is all wet behind the shower tiles. Why?

    Ed writes from Ajax, Ontario : All 3 walls of my bathroom shower stall are finished with 4" ceramic tiles and are in good shape. When I had to remove one of them, I discovered that the drywall was behind it was so wet that I had to put a fan on it over night to dry it out before I could glue the ...
  • At what speed should my saw blades spin?

    Tools Vary Woodworking tools, from table saws to portable saws right down to tiny routers vary in rotational speeds from around 3,000 RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) up to 50,000 RPM.  If it is a direct drive motor, the arbor RPM and the blade RMP are the same, which is true of routers and many, bu...
  • What do you put in a basic beginner homeowner's toolkit?

    If you are just talking about keeping the house from falling down around your head, and a few minor adjustments or additions here and there, but no real renovations -- the tool kit is rather simple. A multiple head screwdriver. A pair of pliers. A pair of clamping pliers. A light hammer. A g...
  • Radial Arm Saws

    No video - but an entire book Scroll down to:   Download the book Principles of Precision - excerpted from the book If you own this book and have a question, or if you just what to say what you think about the book, add  to  "Your Blog comments" at the bottom of this page.  If you are not su...
  • Applying Rain Screen Principles - Pressure Equalization - to the Window/Wall interface in low rise residential construction

      THE CHALLANGE FOR INSTALLERS AND MANUFACTURERS jump to - RAIN SCREEN RESEARCH History   Jump to - RESIDENTIAL PRESSURE EQUALIZATION RESEARCH FINAL REPORTS   There are many variations on how to install a window into a wall, largely differing between new construction and renovation, but ther...
  • OVERVIEW: Lubricants: Why are there so many choices?

    Lubricants are products designed to make things slip. Sister products that have some lubrication but are specialized for other uses are penetrating oils that are used to loosen up rusted parts, drying sprays designed to remove water from electrical wires and some cleaning sprays. Although I use...
  • Softening water -- do electronic water softeners work?

    John from Halifax wrote in asking about replacing his salt based water softener with an electronic water softener to make it easier to water his lawn.   Note 2020: I originally wrote this article in 2004 and many products have come and gone since then.  I recently received several requests to l...
  • Avoiding flooding from clothes washing machines

    The rubber hoses that bring water to a clothes washer, particularly the hot water one, will age, swell, and eventually burst, usually right where they bend coming out of the faucet. The official instructions with all clothes washers are to turn these faucets on and off every time you use the mach...
  • What are BUILDING CODES and why do I care?

      For the first time in history most Canadian National Codes are free. As of April 2019, the NRC is offering free access to the downloadable and electronic formats of the National Building Code, the National Fire Code, the National Plumbing Code, and the National Energy Code for Buildings, as w...
  • Changing energy conservation habits in the home via grade school education.

    In 1990 I produced a video for NRCan (National Resources Canada) specifically targeted to grade school children to improve the energy efficiency of the family home.  If things look a bit weird in the video it is because the camera was always at the height of the eyes of a grade school kid – you s...
  • What is a Renovation Coach?

    When I work as a Renovation Coach I do the following: Trace problems to their source Evaluate options for remediation Guide you in your project – step-by-step Help avoid future problems Critique conflicting contractor propositions Find solutions that fit your house and your climate Help po...
  • Water radiator overheating the room.

    Controlling a hydronic radiator when there is no water shut-off valve.  Hydronic heating means heating with hot water or steam.  With older systems it often means overheating as well!   IS THERE NOTHING YOU CAN DO? Hydronic heating was what kept houses hot a long time ago, and some of the old...
  • Who Is Jon Eakes?

    It all started when his older brother and sister were really good at music and he couldn't carry a beat with the garbage can. So he holed up in the basement and built boats. The saving grace for his 12-year-old engineering talents was the discovery that wooden boats float even if they're full of ...
  • Quebec’s Decree to ban residential oil heating -- The hard truth and your options

      (updated May 2023)  -- Essentially nothing has changed in the last year -- read on. As for heating contractors that say you have no choice but to go all-electric, they are either ignorant of the regulations or lying to you.  When they tell you that you have no choice, tell them to call their ...

    After an exchange about hydroxyl air purifiers, Mike asks another question: "What is your opinion on purification units with HEPA and carbon filters versus the hydroxyl technology. I am reading a lot about fine particle pollution I.E dust and I notice that this (hydroxyl) technology does not eli...
  • Skylights that don't leak.

    Skylights are basically windows that are not vertical, but usually closer to horizontal as they sit on top of the roof.  Most are fixed but some open a bit for summer ventilation.  There also exist roof windows which are basically skylights that open wide and are much more common in Europe where ...
  • OVERVIEW: Electromagnetic radiation and your health: THE DEBATE

    Click here to scroll down past all the legal updates to see the Overview of the debate on Cell Phones, Wi-Fi and Smart Meters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Dec. 2019:  The US Supreme Court just rejected an appeal of a lower court ...
  • Myths and misconceptions about concrete and water

    A comment from a reader: "I notice in your section on self leveling concrete that you mention about needing to let the water out before putting anything on top of the new compound. (Self Leveling Concrete) This is a common misconception about concrete, in fact the water does not leave, it become...