Specialty - Cross Cuts

Shelving often requires evenly spaced identical width slots. These do not need to be all measured out. The key is an indexing jig.
In a latter video we will use this indexing jig to make box joints.
Learning Curve 122
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Great video. How did he make the spacer?
Hello Controls Girl,
You could make a spacer by simply cutting a small piece off of the end of a 1x2 -- but the grain would be running across the spacer making it easy to break. So if you rip into the end of a 1x2, then cut off your little piece you get a sturdy piece of wood for a spacer. You could calculate : slot width less thickness of the kerf, usually 1/8"; but you will probably have to test the spacer to see what it gives you and adjust. Make it slightly too thick, and then sand it down to perfection. If it gets too thin, either start over, or glue on a thin piece of plastic or edging trim with contact cement (paper would wear off too easily).
GREETINGS... love these table saw videos. The one titled "Specialty Cross Cuts" doesn't play and the video codex in three different browsers doesn't load to view this one. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
yup-- we missed converting this one from Flash to mp4 -- done. Thanks to everyone who helps to keep this site working.